School Name

Find It Fast

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Find It Fast - Box 1

Find It Fast - Box 2

Find It Fast - Box 3

Elementary School

Middle School

High School


Dolores Huerta Elementary
Updated July 2024


  • Any solid color, short or long sleeved polo shirt with a collar


  • Black, navy, khaki shorts, skirts, skorts, or pants
    • Must follow Tulsa Public Schools Dress Code for length
  • No leggings, yoga pants, or sweatpants can be worn as bottoms
  • Any solid color only leggings may be worn under skirts, jumpers, or shorts.
    • No prints
  • Khaki or navy jumpers


  • No hoodies
  • Jackets or sweaters of any solid color can be worn inside the building during school
  • Any coat can be worn to school or during outside recess or gym
  • Jackets and sweaters worn to the classroom must have buttons or zippers and have no logos, prints, or designs
  • Parents will be called and asked to bring up a uniform, if policy is not followed


Free dress will be allowed on Mondays and Fridays.

Jeans cannot have rips in them. If in doubt, always send a school uniform in your child's backpack so they can change.